The New York Lottery currently offers subscription for three games: Lotto, Mega Millions and Cash4Life.
Yes, Click here to subscribe to New York Lotto, Mega Millions, and Cash4Life. The New York Lottery does not charge fees for credit card purchases. Note: Some credit card companies consider a New York Lottery subscriptions purchase a cash advance. Subscribers should check with their specific credit card company and refer to their credit card agreement.
No. Mail subscriptions are no longer accepted by the New York Lottery.
To purchase a New York Lottery subscription, the purchaser must be located in New York State at the time of the purchase or renewal. Mobile devices may be used to purchase a subscription when using wi-fi within New York.
No. The New York Lottery does not issue refunds or credit for any active subscriptions.
Yes. You can purchase multiple subscriptions for Mega Millions, New York Lotto, and Cash4Life through the New York Lottery Subscription Center.
When a subscription is submitted and approved by the New York Lottery, the subscriber is sent a confirmation email within 24 hours indicating the effective date (the date the subscription starts), the expiration date (the last date or draw for which the subscription will be active) and the numbers selected. The subscription confirmation email is the official receipt for your subscription. Do not assume a subscription has been approved and is active until the confirmation has been received.
Subscription confirmations are sent via email from subscription-center@mynylottery.org. (Please add subscription-center@mynylottery.org to your email address book to ensure your email confirmation does not go to your SPAM or Junk Email folder.)
No. Numbers can only be changed at the time of renewal.
If you choose Quick Pick, a random set of numbers will be generated when your subscription is processed. The numbers will be included in the subscription confirmation email and will remain in effect for the duration of your subscription.
If you win a jackpot prize, you will be notified by an official New York Lottery representative.
All prizes less than $600 are credited to your account under "Prize Account". The New York Lottery automatically sends winners a check for all prizes of $600 or more. The New York Lottery also sends an email notification of any prize, regardless of the amount, to the email address associated with the subscription account.
When you win a jackpot prize, you may select to receive your prize as a lump sum or annuity payment.
You may request a "cash out" payment from your prize account at any time. The amount of the cash out payment cannot exceed your prize account balance at the time of the request. The payment is made in the form of a check and is mailed to the address provided in your profile. Any prize account funds identified as "non-refundable" are not available for cash out. At any time, you may use available funds in your prize account toward a purchase or renewal in the New York Lottery Subscription Center.
Yes. Click here to login to the New York Lottery Subscription Center. You will be asked to provide your name and your subscription number to access your account.
No. The Lottery does not allow the creation of group subscriptions through the New York Lottery Subscription Center.
Yes. New York Lottery offers a gift subscription. The purchaser selects the game, number of draws and numbers for the gift recipient. The purchaser and gift recipient must both be 18 years or older and located within New York State.
The New York Lottery is required by law to confirm all applicants are 18 years of age or older. The information you provide helps us confirm your identity and age.
Federal law prohibits the sale of lottery across state borders and in exclusion zones. Before a subscription is purchased online, the purchaser's location is verified.
Once a gift subscription is purchased, the gift recipient will receive an email confirmation the following day. The gift purchaser can choose to delay notification for a chosen period of time, which may be up to 90 days. If the recipient does not respond to the email notification to register the subscription in the gift recipient's name within 30 days, a reminder email will be sent to the gift recipient. If registration fails to occur within 7 days after the reminder email is sent, the gift instead will be activated in the purchaser's name and not the gift recipient's name.
The gift recipient must be within New York State to activate their subscription.
The New York Lottery's verification process may recognize a prospective purchaser's location as being outside of New York or in an exclusion zone, which leads to purchase rejection. Contact your internet provider for additional information.