Please Note: Citibank, Capital One, and Wells Fargo do not allow their credit cards to be used for Lottery subscription purchases. Please contact Citibank, Capital One, or Wells Fargo for further information.

New Player Registration

Personal Information
Please enter your First Name.
Please enter your Middle Initial.
Please enter your Last Name.
Please choose your Suffix, if any
Please enter your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY).

Please enter your Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number(XXXXXXXXX no dashes).


Login Information
Please enter your current email address. We will use this email address to confirm your account as well as notify you of any winnings.
  1. Passwords are used with your email for secure login into the New York Lottery Subscription Center Account.
  2. Passwords must contain a minimum of 14 characters.
  3. Passwords must contain at least one number (0-9) and one special character.
  4. Passwords must contain both upper and lowercase letters.
  5. Password and email must not be same.
  6. Passwords expire after 1 year.
  7. Passwords can be changed by the player once within 24 hours.
  8. Last 5 passwords cannot be used.


Security Information
Please select a security Question with an answer that you will remember.
Please select a security Question with an answer that you will remember.
Please select a security Question with an answer that you will remember.